Dear Down Syndrome Indiana families,
I am writing to you today on a very important matter to the
Down syndrome community, the ABLE Act. This is the most important piece of
legislation to be introduced in years. As a parent of a child with Down
syndrome, please take a moment to contact Senator Dan Coats and encourage him
to support the ABLE Act. Below is sample text that you can use:
Honorable Dan Coats
States Senate
Russell Office Bldg.
D.C. 20510
Today’s Date
Senator Dan Coats,
a resident of Indiana that cares about individuals with a disability and their
well-being, I am writing to you today to ask you to co-sponsor the Achieving a
Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2011 (S. 1872/H.R. 3423).
ABLE Act, when enacted into law, will give people with Down syndrome and their
families the ability to save for the future just like every other American
family. Currently, barriers to employment, independent living, and ultimately,
economic self-sufficiency, exist because individuals with Down syndrome and
other disabilities must rely on services like Medicaid and Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) proved, however, to qualify for these services
individuals with Down syndrome may not have more than $2,000 in assets, and
earn no more than $674 in a monthly income.
ABLE Act will eliminate barriers to work and saving by preventing dollars saved
through ABLE accounts from counting against an individual’s eligibility for any
federal benefits program. The legislation also contains Medicaid fraud
protection against abuse and Medicaid pay-back provision when the beneficiary
passes away. The ABLE Act has been endorsed by over 50 national disability,
religious, and nonprofit organizations. By cosponsoring and passing the ABLE
Act, you will give more individuals with a disability and their families the
ability to save for their child’s future just like every other American family!
your name and contact info]
Thank you so much for taking the time to make your voice heard!
P.S. Down Syndrome Indiana will also have preprinted
postcards on this topic that you can sign and send in at the Buddy Walk® on
October 13th. Look for them in the info tent!