Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the 2012 STAR Awards!
The first award goes to Kim Dodson. Kim is the Associate Executive Director for The Arc of Indiana. She has been involved in major changes in the disability field including the 317 Plan closing all state institutions for people with disabilities, better child restraint laws, and first responder training requirements. Currently she is working on a seclusion and restraint law to protect children in Indiana schools. Kim is a passionate advocate for those with Down syndrome and a very active part of our community.
The next award goes to: Angie Everton. Angie is a former Board member for DSI. She has a humble spirit and works tirelessly on behalf of DSI. Not only did she serve as Board Secretary, she is the Chair of the Parent Support and Education Committee, Southside Parent Group Chair, and the Helping Hands Chair. She has planned events for Down Syndrome Indiana in the past, and organizes Melaina’s Ride every year to benefit the Down Syndrome Indiana. Thank you, Angie, for everything you do to enhance the lives of individuals with Down syndrome!
The third and final award of 2012 goes to: Jean Updike. She works closely with the Indiana Postsecondary Education Coalition to get local universities to offer a program for individuals with intellectual disabilities at their campus. She is determined to bring the disability community together and is the changing face of education in Indiana. We are forever grateful for everything she has accomplished so far and look forward to what the future holds!
A star was chosen to represent Down Syndrome Indiana for three reasons:
The first is Focus: Parents, siblings, educators, and other friends and family often describe individuals with Down syndrome as "the star of the show” or the center of attention. A star recognizes that quality, and reminds us of our need to challenge ourselves and society to see all individuals with Down syndrome for their contributions to their community.
The second is Achievement: A star has long been a symbol of achievement and reminds us of the importance of all "achievements" of individuals with Down syndrome.
The third reason is Inspiration: As a group of people familiar with the history of Down syndrome, we recognize that we are still at the beginning of our journey to discover the full potential of individuals with Down syndrome. The star represents our collective reaching for a brighter future for all individuals with Down syndrome.
The second is Achievement: A star has long been a symbol of achievement and reminds us of the importance of all "achievements" of individuals with Down syndrome.
The third reason is Inspiration: As a group of people familiar with the history of Down syndrome, we recognize that we are still at the beginning of our journey to discover the full potential of individuals with Down syndrome. The star represents our collective reaching for a brighter future for all individuals with Down syndrome.