Monday, April 21, 2014

Employees with Down syndrome add Value to Organizations

If you are an employer looking for an employee that shows up on time for work, is rarely absent, has a positive attitude and improves the work environment around him or her…. Hire an individual with Down syndrome!

As someone intimately involved in the Ds community, of course we already know that hiring people with Down syndrome is beneficial to companies. However, it is quite nice when a studies are published that back up what we already know. In a study by McKinsey & Company that was published in March of 2014, entitled, “The Value that Employees with Down syndrome can add to Organizations” the authors Vicente Assis, Marcus Frank, Guilherme Bcheche and Bruno Kuboiama found that, “companies that employ people with Down syndrome often report significant improvements in their organizational health”.  

People with Down syndrome have a positive impact on a number of organizational health dimensions including but not limited to:

·        Leadership;

·        A positive impact on client satisfaction;

·        Culture & climate;

·        Motivation and coordination;

·        Control.

It is known that there is a direct, mapped relationship between increased, organizational health and business performance therefore, the bottom line is that the positive impact people with Down syndrome have on, organizational health also has a positive effect on business performance. In addition, individuals with Down syndrome tend to have very low levels of absenteeism. So, there you have it folks, if you would like an employee that shows up on time for work, is rarely absent, has a positive attitude and improves the work environment around him or her…. hire an individual with Down syndrome!

Dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with Down syndrome,



Lisa Wells, Executive Director