Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Live Laugh Dance Registration Now Open

Registration for the 2015 Live Laugh Dance Camp is now open! Live Laugh Dance is a summer program specifically designed for adolescents and young adults (age 13+) who have Down syndrome. We are thrilled to announce that we have officially partnered with Down Syndrome Indiana, and will be holding dance classes in the ballroom at the SoL Center in downtown Indianapolis. Dance classes will meet on Tuesdays only from 6-8pm June 9th – July 28th.

Please visit our webpage for more information and instructions on how to register: http://petm.iupui.edu/affiliates/livelaughdance/index.php.

If you have any questions, please feel free contact Rachel Swinford via email (rswinfor@iupui.edu) or phone (317-431-9215).