Monday, August 3, 2015

Understanding Prenatal Testing on September 19th

With the advances being made in prenatal testing, more and more women are finding out earlier than ever that their child has Down syndrome. Surveys show that too often parents do not receive the rest of the information about what a life with Down syndrome can be like and about available support resources. For those parents who have received information and support, they describe it as a lifeline. This presentation will provide attendees the information to confidently engage our local medical community to ensure parents receive accurate, up-to-date information and support. Come and be that lifeline to the next generation of parents raising a child with Down syndrome.

Saturday, September 19th

8:30Am to 4:00PM

DSI 2nd Floor Ballroom

708 E Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202


Please RSVP to or call 317-925-7617

About the speaker: Mark W. Leach is an attorney in Louisville, Kentucky and serves as the bioethics specialist for the National Center for Prenatal & Postnatal Down Syndrome Resources at the University of Kentucky. He provides training to local Down syndrome organizations on medical outreach. Mark’s daughter is endowed with Down syndrome and his son is endowed with curly, blonde hair. You can read more in Mark’s blog: