Monday, March 7, 2016


Happy Disability Awareness Month!

Just wanted to share with you some of Down Syndrome Indiana’s accomplishments from 2015:

·        1,649 Parents Served;

·        738 Individuals with Down syndrome served;

·        $14,000 given in scholarships and financial assistance given;

·        13,640 unique visitors to the DSI website;

·        5,000+ R-Word cards handed out;

·        4,000 Buddy Walk® participants;

·        3,723 hours donated by volunteers;

·        2,041 attendees at various community support group events;

·        202 New Parent Packets given;

·        75 Educator Toolkits;

·        43 parents total serving as First Call parents;

·        28,843 people were impacted by our mission.

You can also find this info online at:

Looking forward to another impactful year with you,

Lisa Wells, Executive Director