IPL's 10-story downtown headquarters will light up with blue and yellow
Down syndrome awareness colors on March 21st , 2017 for World Down
Syndrome Day. We invite people to take selfie’s in front of the window display
and share on social media tagging @IPLpower and @downsyndromeindiana and use
hashtags #IPLlights and #WDSD2017. Share your photos celebrating World Down
Syndrome Day and help Down Syndrome Indiana spread awareness and acceptance for
Down syndrome.
About World Down Syndrome Day
World Down Syndrome Day is a day in which people with Down syndrome and
those with whom they live, work and socialize, organize and participate in
activities and events around the world to raise public awareness and create a
single, global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and well-being of
people with Down syndrome. The date for World Down Syndrome Day is the 21st day
of the 3rd month, selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication
(trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. World Down Syndrome Day was first observed in
2006 in many countries around the world, and officially recognized by the
United Nations as an annual day of celebration in 2012.
Contact To learn more about World Down Syndrome Day, please contact Stephanie
Garner, Program Coordinator garner@dsindiana.org.