Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Please complete survey by July 23rd!

Dear Friend:

Last spring, The Arc of Indiana’s Education and Governmental Affairs Committees came together after a conversation with Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Tony Bennett, to brainstorm on issues facing special education.

Now that they have identified key issues, they would like a broader discussion on prioritizing these issues. We are requesting your help!

The Arc of Indiana has put these issues on-line and would like you to send this information out to everyone you think may be interested in education issues. The more input the better.

Dr. Bennett is very interested in hearing what the primary issues are facing special education from a family and advocate perspective.

The deadline for people to get on-line is Friday, July 23. After that the Arc will be putting together a report for Dr. Bennett and the education team. The report will also be on The Arc of Indiana’s website.

Thank you in advance for helping us with this endeavor. We feel it is very important to get as much input as possible and appreciate your time in making this happen.

Here are the directions for participation:

Browse to (no www.) and log in with the following information:

Meeting ID: 14669
Passkey: bennett
E-mail: Your e-mail
Username: Your name

To get started: Double-click “Dr. Bennett Session” in the menu on the left hand side, then you will enter the voting area.

Read through the ballot items on the right. You can slide the vertical red line (left of the Priority tab) left or right to adjust the viewing window to expand the pane and show more or less text. You may also double click the item to see it in full.

To vote: Under priority, click and drag the slider bar from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest priority.

Once you have finished, click Vote on the silver bar at the top, then Cast Vote and your vote will be entered. If you have not voted 1-5 on all of the ballot items, you will be prompted to do so when attempting to cast your vote.

For technical support please feel free to e-mail us at

This request has been sent to several groups. If for some reason you are unable to logon to the sight, it may be because it is full. Please be patient and try again at a later time. Please keep in mind that the deadline to participate is Friday, July 23.

We look forward to everyone’s feedback!


Kim Dodson
Associate Executive Director

Jeff Huffman
Education Committee Chairman

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