Saturday, February 26, 2011

Arc Artisans

Let’s close out February, the month where DSI emphasized Self Advocacy with a brief article about the Arc Artisans. I visited their art workshop last month and as many of you know, I have several pieces of their artwork and am a huge fan of the work they do!

Arc Artisans is an entrepreneurial program where emerging artists at Arc Rehab Services and professional artists from the Central Indiana community come together to create artwork and develop skills in creative expression, craftsmanship and small business management. Artists are active in all areas of design, production and marketing. All proceeds from the sale of artwork go directly back into the program.

The Artisans have quite a few things on their plate right now. For one, they are hosting their first art show from March 3rd to March 25th at Sugar Creek Art Center. More information on this can be found on their Facebook page. In addition, they are beginning to make items from old sweaters. If you would like to donate gently used sweaters to their program, you can send them to Arc Services, c/o Arc Artisans, 900 West Main Street, Lebanon, IN 46052.

Arc Artisans is happy to take special orders for custom pieces and commissioned artwork. You can visit their website at or you can call 765-482-6815 ext. 103.
You will be able to find artwork by the artisans in the silent auction during the Down Syndrome Indiana Fashion Show Gala on Saturday March 19th, 2011, as well as, at the Fly-in at Indianapolis Executive Airport on August 6th. And guess who will be designing and manufacturing the 2011 Down Syndrome Indiana Star Awards? You guessed it! The artisans!

1 comment:

  1. Get a chance to see work by Arc Artisans, meet the artists, see demonstrations, listen to music and more! Join us at Culture at the Creek, a casual reception featuring the art of Arc Artisans and other fine artists, Friday March 11, 2011 6 to 9 pm at the Sugar Creek Art Center, 127 S. Pearl St., Thorntown. For information, call the art center at 765-436-7105, or visit the Arc Artisans Facebook Page:
