Tuesday, June 19, 2018

21 Ideas for Raising Awareness

1.  Share the DSI Medical Outreach presentation with your OB/GYN - https://youtu.be/xLOL4hvC-kk.  DSI would be glad to schedule a time to come and do a live presentation to your physician’s office staff!

2.  Purchase a copy of the new 21 DreamS book and ask your OB/GYN to place a copy in the waiting room:  http://www.21dreamsproject.com/the-books.html!   Or give your OB/GYN the copy that you received in your New Parent Packet.

3.  Write a letter to your OB/GYN about the birth of your child and the positive impact that your child has had on your life.

4.  Schedule a meeting with your school district’s Director of Special Education to hear their plans for inclusion in your school system.

5.  Schedule a time to read a book about Down syndrome to your child’s class.   

6.  Talk to your employer about hiring someone with Down syndrome in your office! 

7.   Ask your school to host an awareness presentation for students by Down Syndrome Indiana or the Joseph Maley Foundation!

8.  Ask your employer to sponsor the Buddy Walk, and Air Race & Fly-In, or the DSI DADS Golf Outing.

9.  Talk to your friends and family about the Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign - https://www.r-word.org/.

10.  Volunteer to help DSI deliver informational postcards to medical offices across central Indiana to spread awareness to Healthcare Professionals and new parents.

11.  Develop your own awareness presentation to give to your school, church, community group, or team - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFLGSFoOLhI&t=6s

12.  Fill out a Get to Know Me book and share it with schools, doctors, care provider staff, church, anyone who interacts with your loved one with Ds - http://www.dsindiana.org/files/content/Getting%20to%20Know%20Me.pdf. 

13.  Share the awareness facts that are shared by Down Syndrome Indiana on social media, by pressing like and share.

14.  Ask friends, neighbors, and teachers to create a Buddy Walk team or join yours - https://downsyndromeindiana.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=506.

15.  Wear it...Wear your awareness in the form of clothing or accessories. It's a great conversation starter.

16.  Write out your story and be ready to share it.

17.  Ask your local school to put a blurb about Buddy Walk in their e-newsletter.

18.  Start planning for World Down Syndrome Day 2019!   Plan to attend a DSI World Down Syndrome Day Celebration and Flash Mob, spread random acts of kindness in honor of WDSD, wear funky socks, and celebrate in your child’s classroom (maybe with blue and yellow cupcakes?!?!).

19.  Talk to your Congress people to advocate for people with Down syndrome!

20.  Develop a friendship with an adult with Down syndrome.  If you would like to meet some amazing adults with Down syndrome, consider attending a DSI Self Advocate monthly event as a volunteer! 

21.  Talk to your friends and neighbors about Disability Etiquette and People First Language - https://www.indianadisabilityawareness.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/DisableDisrespectBrochure.pdf. 

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